April 2022 News

Happy spring! As you can see, we have a newly designed newsletter. Thanks to Pastor Yolanda for providing guidance and creativity! I also would like to thank all of you who have been present and engaged at the Drop In Center. As we continue to grow and expand our community presence, please consider what you would like to see offered and let me know. With Covid restrictions being relaxed and the weather becoming warmer, I’m excited to see an increased presence of people utilizing our facility and making long overdue connections with others. We are developing new opportunities for socialization and education. These will all be posted on our monthly calendar. We are also developing a website. www.communitypartnersdropin.org. Please check it out.

A Facebook page is also in the works. For those of you who do not engage in social media or group activities, please stop by anytime for a cup of coffee, a treat and conversation. I realize that after two plus years of restriction and isolation it’s difficult to open up to social situations again. Please remember that everyone is welcome here.

We continue to offer support and acceptance. Masks are no longer a requirement at the Center. Please feel free to continue to wear one if it brings you comfort. As always, thanks to Jodi T. for keeping our center clean and sanitized.